5 Beauty Treatment After Delivery, No. 4 is Highly Recommended!
25 Jul 2018
Dewi Sri Spa
To have opportunity to deliver and become a mother is the biggest bless for every woman. Experience new things in parenting world, will be an unforgetable moment in life. Even so, sometimes a mother will only put baby thingy first and forget her needs to look fresh and stay healty inside-out. Spa Lovers, these are five things that will keep your body healty and beauty that you can do after giving a birth.
1. Optimize your sleep time
Lack of sleeping time is a normal thing to all new mom. What you need to speed up your recovery is by trying to manage your rest time. It will help a lot. Whenever you have time and opportunity to sleep, don’t waste it, for example when you baby is sleeping, try to sleep as well. Sleep will definetely help you to refresh you body and keep you happy.
Whenever your friends or family come to visit, don’t hesitate to excuse yourself. Instead, let your husband accompany them. Your health is priority, they will understand.
2. Relaxation
Take a massage after delivery is absolutely recommended. Massage will help you to feel relax and refresh. It also a stress-free quality time that will help you produce more breast milk. Tell the massager your yes and no area, and preassure level that suit you. It should make you compfortable and relax, not tickled and hurt.
If you took cesarean delivery methode, avoid tummy and wound area for 3-4 months. Wait until it dry first.
3. Reduce post-baby tummy
Sagging tummy and weight that rises sometimes become a scary spectre for some woman. In fact, it’s all normal and no need to worry about. In Indonesia tradition, the usage of traditional corset or called stagen in the first 40 days after delivery is becoming one of options to bring back tummy shape. It’s good as long as you don’t excessively use it, but it’s not a way that doctor will recommend especially because it considered as passive method. There are some effective way you can choose instead like light excercise like walking or postnatal excercise and healthy postnatal diet.
Maximize your effort to overcome sagging tummy with Dewi Sri Spa Innoshape Tummy Firming Cream. With collagen, Centella asiatica extract, rice extract, and patchouli extract as its ingredients, Dewi Sri Spa Innoshape Tummy Firming Cream will helps to firm your tummy.
4. Prevent stretch mark
It’s no surprise when stretch mark appear after delivery. Not only on the tummy but also thigh, breast, arms, and calf.Stretch mark are commony appear when you hit 4-5 months of pregnancy, and that white mark will getting obvious and permanent as your pregnancy entering the third semester. It is true that nothing better than start to avoid it by using stretch mark cream in the beginning of pregnancy, but if its already there then stretch mark lotion will helps to make your skin smooth and supple. Regular usage will turn it into fine lines and less visible.
Use Dewi Sri Spa Stretchmark Lessening Cream. It contains Centella asiatica, collagen, and patchouli oil that will help smoothen and brighten the skin and reduce stretch mark.
5. New hair style
It’s an instant way to refresh your look, new hair style! You can try medium layered hair to get more textured hair and feminim look or pixie haircut to getlow maintenace routine yet sophisticated look.Fresh brand new you in a snap!
Ask some advises from your capster before you cut your hair will be a good idea. Yes, leave it to the expert.
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