An old Indonesian folklore tells of an ancient Goddess, Dewi Sri, who grants fertility and prosperity to rice fields and crop harvests. Her beautiful, healthy skin was the emanation of timeless beauty rituals enhanced by traditional bathing. Based on this secret, Dewi Sri Spa was born. Dewi Sri Spa offers an extensive line of exclusive traditional Balinese & Javanese treatments and products made of rice extracts and pure essential oils.
All of the Dewi Sri Spa products are expertly formulated and blended by our team of herbalist and doctors in Jakarta, Indonesia.
The trend of "back to nature" became popular in the 1970's. However the Indonesian people have been living with nature for centuries. Several "prasasties" (scripst) and written documents in the form of stones, leaves and papers, found throughout the Indonesian islands, shows the basic proof about the usage of traditional medicines, which we call jamu. The effort for health maintenance using jamu has been conveyed from generation to generation, called "mudi salira".
Dewi Sri Spa brings you the graciousness of Indonesian hospitality, ancient time proven treatments and remedies, professional therapists, exotic and unique interior designs as well as unparalleled natural products that will ensure that your Dewi Sri Spa will be the market leader in your area.
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